The Crochet Couch - Pattern Tester Guidelines - Join The Crochet Couch Testing Team

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Thank you for your interest in becoming a pattern tester for

The Crochet Couch

Please take a few minutes to read over the guidelines for pattern testing. Most of your questions should be answered below.

We design graphs for our website but cannot possibly crochet them up as fast as we can graph them. We’re looking for people interested in using our graphs and/or word charts to crochet up the item and permit us to use the pictures of the item for the pattern listing.

This group is specifically for testers of our graphs. If you are unable to test a pattern within a few months of joining, not interested in being a tester at all, an admin in another graph group, or you have your own graph group; please join us at The Crochet Couch, The Crochet Couch Group is for everyone that enjoys all types crochet patterns, not just graphs.

In addition, if you create and sell graphs online you are welcome to join our other groups and post your links per the groups listed rules however you wouldn’t be eligible to become one of our pattern testers.

**A weekly progress report with a photo is needed when testing graphs. We love seeing pictures of your progress! We understand that sometimes life gets busy and you can’t always post a picture, therefore, a quick update message is acceptable from time to time for the weekly update in lieu of photo, (i.e. what row you are on).  

Please do not request a pattern to test until you have the time to start it. It’s understandable that you may have to delay starting if you need to order yarn but if you have other projects or life events that are keeping you busy please don’t request a pattern to test.

If you haven’t posted an update within 4 weeks our admins will tag you asking for progress, if we don’t hear back from you within a week we will send you an email. If we don’t hear from you within a week after email is sent, we will assume you are not interested in being a tester and you will be removed from the group. This will have been a total of 6 weeks of you having a project out and not posting updates before you are removed and invoiced via Paypal for the pattern you received.

We’ve set up a “Tester Thursday” post each week…’s not required that you post there but it is a nice easy way to post a quick update or photo. From time to time we’re going to do a drawing from those that post their weekly updates there for a small prize.


1. Please don't submit blurry photos - these can not be used

2. Outside light is the best usually but if that isn't an option, take photo during the day in as bright of light as possible. Dark photos are very difficult to edit.

3. If you are laying a project straight, all corners need to be in the photo.

4. Projects do not need to be perfectly straight - an afghan draped over a couch or chair etc are great.

5. Multiple photos are preferred with different angles - for afghans laying flat or holding up, draped over a couch or chair etc.

6. You’re welcome to add borders or other customization to your project but please send a photo of the project completed before you add to it. Our customers expect to receive a pattern for what they see in a photo so if you’ve included things that aren’t in the pattern we won’t be able to use your photo nor count it as a completed tester project.

7. When submitting your photos please don’t edit them to add fancy backgrounds/borders or words. When sharing them yourself you can edit how you like but the ones submitted for testing please just send an unedited photo as taken.

8. Above all, please remember that we use these photos on the website, and can only use photos that meet the guidelines above.

New Pattern testers are permitted one pattern at a time for testing. After you have chosen the graph you would like to test, simply click on the button “request to test” - the graph pic will appear in your shopping cart and you will check out as if you’re doing a purchase. You DO NOT have to pay for patterns to test nor do you have to enter in any credit card information. The system does require a billing address. While I do need your (facebook) name and email address to get the pattern to you, I don’t have to have your billing address and you are welcome to enter in a fake address if you’re more comfortable doing so - for example - 123 Main St., Anywhere US 00000.

After you complete the request I will get an email of your choice and will send the pattern to you as soon as I can. I am able to send patterns out from my phone so you should be able to get them fairly quickly. This system will also eliminate posts getting missed that are requesting patterns to test.

Each pattern has a quantity in the system….once we have enough testers for a pattern it will show up as “SOLD OUT”. If there is no “sold out” on the pattern you know that it is available for testing. Once all testers have completed a project it will be removed from the tester area.

After you have completed a few projects you are welcome to have more than one project out at a time.

Monthly Drawings

Each month we do a drawing for a prize. You don’t have to do anything specific to be entered - we take the photos that were submitted each month of completed projects that were tested. If the photo follows our guidelines above and we use it on the website then it is automatically entered into the drawing for that month. The drawing is typically done on the 1st of the month and are shown via a live video feed so you can tune in if you like.

In the past we’ve given out yarn bowls, Furl Hooks, quilted project bags, yarn, yarn winders, Amazon gift certificates, crochet books and more. We are currently offering a choice of 1 of 2 patterns and the yarn required to make it. Typically the choice will be an afghan or a smaller project. The yarn offered will be suitable for that project. You are not required to complete the afghan that you won in the drawing - if you do complete it and submit useable photos, it can be entered into the completed month’s drawing. The item you crochet is of course yours to do with as you wish - you may keep it, gift it, or sell it.

Additionally, if you have completed one of our projects that you weren’t a scheduled pattern tester for and submit a photo that follows our guidelines above and we use it on the website you can also be entered into the drawings for that month.

**Please note these guidelines have been updated. Photos will not be entered into the drawing if:

  1. They have ends showing

  2. The pattern wasn’t followed or was changed

  3. The photo is blurry

  4. The photo requires time consuming editing before it can be added to the website

These guidelines aren’t put into place to deny giving out prizes because whether a drawing has one entry or 1,000 entries the prize will be given out each time. The guidelines are in place to reward those crocheters that spend the time to take a nice photo and submit it.


  1. How do I become one of your pattern testers? We have a facebook group at that you can request to join. Please make sure to answer the two questions asked.

  2. Can I use different colors? Absolutely! You are always welcome to use whatever colors you prefer, unless otherwise stated in the listing (Flags typically need to be exact colors listed but not the yarn brand of course). The number of colors needs to remain the same though. So if a pattern calls for red, white and blue - you could use any 3 colors you choose, but not only 2 colors or 4 colors etc. You can also choose your own hook size and your own yarn weight. The reason for this is that if you used a different amount of colors the potential customer would then only have to rely on only your photo for the color changes and not the pattern. They expect the pattern to let them know when to change colors.

  3. Color Changes: An example….if a pattern has say 3 lines in red, 3 lines in white and 3 lines in blue……you must do 3 lines in first color you choose, 3 lines in second color you choose and 3 lines in third color you choose. You can not change the pattern itself and do something like……4 lines in first color, 2 lines in second color and 3 lines in third color and claim to have followed the rules since you used the same the number of colors as what’s in the pattern. The number of colors must be the same as the pattern and the color placement must be the same as in the pattern. So if you swap out purple for blue……then you must use purple everywhere the pattern calls for blue. If you swap out black for white, then you must use black everywhere the pattern calls for white and so on.

  4. Do I have to use the yarns named in the pattern? No – the yarn brand and colors are a recommendation and you are welcome to use the yarn of your choice. From time to time a potential customer will ask what specific yarn was used so we ask that you submit your yarn type/color with your completed project if possible. We do understand that sometimes people pull yarn from their stash that no longer has a label and you may be unsure of the brand or color name.

  5. Do I have to pay for the pattern? No – as a tester the pattern is given to you free of charge. But please do not share patterns.

    1. If you leave the group, are removed for inactivity, or take longer than the timeframe allotted for your project, you will be invoiced the cost of the pattern, typically $5.00. Exceptions will of course be made when necessary.

    2. If you change the pattern to suit your own tastes you will not be eligible to test another pattern until you purchase the pattern that you changed. This does not mean honest mistakes - this means changing the number of colors, doing less or more stitches so the project is bigger or smaller, changing the pattern of the colors etc.

  6. Do I have to test a pattern to be in the group? - Yes. This is a pattern testing group….so if you’re not interested in testing a pattern then our other group listed above is probably a better fit for you. Once you’ve joined the group we give you 3 months to choose a pattern to test. We have hundreds to choose from.

  7. Do I always have to be testing a pattern to stay in the group? No. Once you finish your project you do not have to immediately request another pattern to test. We will check in with you on a regular basis and generally hope that you are doing at least one project a year. If you haven’t tested a pattern in 2 years we will remove you from the group of active pattern testers but you are welcome to rejoin if you would like to test again.

  8. I really like a pattern but it’s closed. Can I still get the pattern? Yes, they are all listed on the website

  9. Can you help me design my own graph? No, we’re sorry we can’t. What software do you use? Proprietary Information that we do not share. Can you help me learn to graph? No, we’re sorry we can’t.

  10. Can you make me a graph of……..? If you have a request for a graph that we don’t currently have, please SUBMIT REQUEST HERE . If the request page is open you will be able to submit a request. We do close the page down when we get full and will reopen when a spot opens back up. Please note that copyrighted items are not permitted to be sold without a license.

  11. I don’t understand the pattern I’m testing; will you help me? Of course we will!!! Please post any questions you have about the pattern in the group. The group has several very experienced admins and crocheters that are always willing to help.

  12. What happens if I can’t do the graph I requested? Well if you don’t have time then you just won’t be able to receive/test another graph until you’re finished. If you pick one that is above your skill level and you’ve shown an attempt to do it, we can see about getting you an easier one. I think we’ve all bitten off more than we can chew at one time or another. If you just change your mind about the graph that you requested and received you will need to finish it or purchase it to receive another free pattern to test.

  13. Am I allowed to share my pictures in other groups? Of course! It’s your crochet project and you can do whatever you like with it – share pics, sell item etc. We LOVE for you to share your photos in other crochet groups on Facebook and other social media! All we ask is that you do not share the patterns.

  14. Can I post my other crochet projects? Although we do love to see them, we would like this group to stay focused on the testing of graphs. Please feel free to join us at in the other groups mentioned above to show your work that is not one of our patterns.

  15. Is there a time limit? Yes. To be fair to everyone, the patterns do have a time limit. For smaller projects like scarves or placemats we like to see them done in a month……for larger afghans we like to see them done in 3-4 months. We do understand that sometimes unexpected things happen and will be happy to work with you if you communicate what is going on. If you have gifts you need to crochet or other obligations, please wait to request the pattern until you are ready to crochet it.

  16. What happens if I don’t complete it in the given time frame? I will open it up for another tester. If pattern is not completed within time frame nor purchased within 6 months then we will assume you are no longer interested in testing and will remove you from the group. (the testing group only…you are still more than welcome to remain in the other groups mentioned above). If you are not answering messages or posting progress and basically just disappear … can be removed earlier than the 6 months.

  17. Can I rejoin the group if I get removed? In most instances, absolutely! If circumstances prevented you from being able to complete your previous requested pattern and you were removed from the group but are able to complete it and submit photos in the future you are welcome to reapply to be a tester. As an alternative, if you wish to rejoin but have no interest in completing the previous project you requested, you can purchase the pattern you received and request a different one to test.

  18. Can I still test for other graphers or designers? Absolutely! You are welcome to be a tester for any designer you like. Some designers require references and we are happy to provide a reference to another designer on the work you have done for us. Please keep in mind though, that if you are testing for more than one designer we still expect you to have project completed in the timeframe from above.


We have the available graphs to test split up into sections (these pages are password protected and only available to the testers in our group):